The Golden Age of Facebook For Brands and Why It Won’t Last Much Longer

The Golden Age of Facebook For Brands and Why It Won’t Last Much Longer

Habib Amir, head of digital, Clarion Communications

You have to hand it to Facebook: despite ever more cunning attempts by social media newcomers, it continues to lead the field when it comes to reaching consumers online. Which is great news for any of us trying to get our clients in front of customers.

Getting the Inside Scoop

Kathryn Platt, senior account executive, Clarion Communications

A lucky group of us at Clarion were recently given the opportunity to visit one of Britain’s national newspapers to get the inside scoop on how the other half work.  And when I say other half, I mean of course journalists - we all know there’s a love/hate relationship between journos and us PRs, and although some don’t like to admit it, we do work hand in hand to help deliver news.

Practice What You Preach

Sue Roberts, board director, Clarion Communications

This year we ran our fourth Nectar Savvy Family competition, inviting families from around the UK to share their favourite moneysaving tips with the nation and be judged for the crown of Britain’s Savviest Family.  The response from the public was, once again, huge…