Digital media outlets were abuzz on Monday following reports that pre-orders for the much anticipated Apple Watch hit almost one million in the USA. According to research by Slice Intelligence, 957,000 people ordered a watch. The Apple fan boy club is clearly still strong, with 72% of those having previously purchased an Apple product in the past two years. 

Reddit to launch newsletter
Everyone’s favourite online viral community, Reddit, has announced plans to launch a newsletter. The newsletter, called Upvoted Weekly, comes three months after their first podcast. The newsletter will be sent each Sunday - the perfect companion to your Monday morning coffee!

Foursquare Launches Pinpoint: Cross-Platform, Location-based Ad Targeting
After its recent partnership with Twitter, Foursquare has proved it is still a big player in the social media world. Central to the channels success, is its large database of location based data – a gold mine for marketeers. With this in mind, it is no surprise to see the launch of Pinpoint, a cross-platform, location-based ad targeting technology. Brands already getting in on the action include Google, Jaguar Land Rover and Samsung Galaxy.

Driving black votes for the general election
Every media outlet is currently bursting with news of what politicians are having for breakfast or which reality TV star has been spotted on the campaign trail. On a more serious note, comes digital campaign ‘Operation Black Vote’ . The campaign focuses on encouraging black people and ethnic-minority Britons to vote.  The thought provoking campaign is led by footballer Sol Campbell and sees a variety of famous black celebrities, who were photographed with makeup that whitened parts of their skin. Launched online, the campaign gained mass media coverage, highlighting how digital campaigns can drive the news agenda.

And finally
What’s that, you didn’t get to go to Coachella? Don’t worry; luckily Instagram has produced a list of the most ‘liked’ items of content on Instagram from the music event.  According to Mashable the app recorded approximately 83 million interactions on Instagram related to Coachella, just in its first weekend. 

A video posted by Beyoncé (@beyonce) on

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